dinsdag 24 april 2012


God! I'm soooooo tired of girls who seem to have no other goal in life than to make other people feel bad about themselves. Definately, when the bullied-ones are those who give their all to make other people happy! When are those girls finally going to grow up? I thought I'd left high school, I suppose I haven't. :s

I'm sorry for this angry message. Just need to say that. Just needed a place to scream.

Love, V

maandag 20 februari 2012


Hi everyone,

Lots has happened since my last entry. I imagine that from now on there will be more frequently. I thought I'd finally found that guy. He was sweet, kind, attentive, selfless...

But I feel like such a fool now. Everything has changed. I guess it's just another repetition of the classic story of the naive girl who believed that love could be great.

We fight now all the time. It's feels like we're stuck with cuffs around our pulses. But we seemed to do everything to get out. Are we just scared? And scared of what? Pain, hurt? It doesn't feel that way at my side. After everything that has happened I still love him. Which I shouldn't as he can't care for me. I'm wrong in every way. I am from a different background. I am a freaking romantic with big dreams. I simply care too much. Losing this possibility hurts less than having to lose him.

What I don't understand is why he always comes back to me? You might think that if he does this he must care for me in someway. No other guy I know would be doing this. But why? And why does he always want to keep the flame alive, but never too much alive?

GOD GIVE ME AN ANSWER!!! I wish I could make everything right, but I'm afraid we have astrayed too much from the path we once walked on. Can we ever find our way back?

Please. Someone. Help me.

Love, Vero