woensdag 18 mei 2011


There I was waiting for class to start. The fool that I am, looks down and spots AGAIN the guy she had a crush on so many years ago. Michael.

Every look we exchange feels like a gun shot, because everytime I see him I'm blown away by his presence. The funny or painful/embarassing part about it is that I always wonder at first why he's looking at me. The reason for this inappropriate staring is because it always takes me a while to recognize him. In my memories he's always handsome, but not like the real handsome he is in real life.

Anyhow. He always gives me this grin. A grin that stands for "This is uncomfortable, I know. It  sucks." I can't exactly blame him for that. Michael shouldn't have reacted the way he did, back then. But if I had taken things slow we might have been good friends.

It's kind of the story of my life. Having a crush and getting dumped before it even gets started. I'm Rapunzel. The girl who's locked up in a lonely tower by the wicked witch of fate. The one, if she's lucky, that guys raise their gazes but never feel like rescueing. And if, by some miracle, one will - the wicked witch of fate will stop him before we can have our happy ending.

Maybe now, you'll understand why I started this blog. ;-)

Love, Veronica

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