donderdag 26 mei 2011


Today I went to see a movie with Artemis. She might in fact be the one who controls my love future. Appollo clearly likes me. He wants to be around me. Which is a good sign right? But I think I might have screwed it up again. Apparently, in love, you don't have to be compassioned all the time. When you can be with the person you want - you go for it. You don't consider the well-being of others. Definetely when it's not necessary! :s

Anyways. We went to the movies with other mythical creatures. Indeed, no goddeses. They aren't friendly enough yet to deserve the title. It could have gone better. But I guess I shouldn't have expected more after almost two years of isolation. I feel with Hercules. By some evil demon he was dragged into a place where he didn't belong. He was after all son of THE god, Zeus. But then again, at the end, he wanted to stay Human. Is my place there too? Would I truly be happier if I stopped trying to be Venus?

It seems unthinkable. I just want things like they used to be. Go back in time and fix everything.

There's something between Appolo and me. He seems happier than usual. But I just don't understand. Am I truly Venus, a godess. Or is that just some pipe dream? I like Appolo more every day.

I don't know if that's a good thing. There's a spark between us. But I'm afraid I've put it out now... He seemed rather sad when he saw I wasn't following. He seemed lost. The last thing I want is to break his heart. He means too much for me.

Please. Every exisiting god - help me! Please - give me a sign that the spark is still there. It's all I need - because one spark can lead to firework!

Love, Veronica

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